For the next two weeks the in app purchase to go ad free in Weather Pilot has been reduced by 50%! Get it before the price goes back up.
Alive and Well!
Just wanted to let everyone know that Weather Pilot is still alive and well. Had another addition to the family this spring so my free time has been extremely limited but am now getting back into the swing of things. My focus is bringing the Android version of Weather Pilot up to the same feature level as BlackBerry 10. No timeline yet but I’m working on it! Thank you all for the support!
Future Development
With the announcement today from BlackBerry about OS 10 being actively worked on for the foreseeable future I will be continuing to update Weather Pilot 10 for BlackBerry. Additionally, I will be focusing more of my time on Android Weather Pilot since it hasn’t had a major update in over two years. Once the Android version is updated to include the latest features that are available on BlackBerry the two will be maintained in sync.
I appreciate your continued support and great feedback. As always if you come across any issues let me know so I can address them. Otherwise, I hope you continue to find that Weather Pilot meets your needs for TAF and METAR data.
Weather Pilot 10 is Built for BlackBerry
Over the last few months I’ve been working to get the BlackBerry version of Weather Pilot 10 certified as a Built for BlackBerry application and at the beginning of June it happened!
Change log for version
– Splash screens for all devices and orientations
– Grabs latest METAR From last 4 hours
– Grabs latest TAF from last 24 hours
– Fixed bug where activity indicator never went away when searching for Nearby stations with GPS turned off
Weather Pilot 10 fixed
A fix for Weather Pilot 10 on BlackBerry is now available. Please check in the App World for a new release to download.
Weather Pilot 10 fix in the works
Weather Pilot 10 for BlackBerry is currently not showing any METAR or TAF data. A fix is in the works to resolve this issue. I apologize for for the application not functioning as advertised.
Weather Pilot 10 updated
A new version of Weather Pilot 10 has been released for BlackBerry 10. This latest release brings the app version to and with it a few enhancements. The biggest enhancement is that users can now remove advertising from the app via a one time purchase.
Other updates included in this release are
– Fix for the forever busy indicator when looking for locations nearby
– Showing a place holder on the main screen when all stations are removed; this place holder gives the user a quick way to add stations and see the latest weather
– App version shown in the About page